Wednesday, March 18, 2009


so i am pretty upset with the way things are going right now. this past week i went skiing with one of my friends and her family (that was extremely fun, not the upsetting part). while we were there, i tried to log on to check my facebook. nope. apparently my username and password did not match. i double checked and everything was typed right. so i sent a reset password thing to my email. i went to log on my email and guess what... incorrect username/password combination. boo!!!! i was like, what the heck is going on!? it made me extremely frustrated. so i had to reset my email password. well when i did that, i found that all my emails were deleted! you have no idea how frustrating this has made me (unless it's happened to you). i finally, after several attempts, got on my facebook and had to reactivate it. someone had tried to delete it. i got on and all that was different was my default picture. it was a weird picture too. it was of me but i don't remember it.

after all of that, i got on my aol email (which i use for college stuff) and had an email to set up my tennessee email account so i could get information on my housing contract. so i get on and it's a pretty complicated process. but i finally get it set up and i find out that my housing assignment isn't even one of my top three choices! i really thought that i would get one of them considering how early i applied and that i don't have any roommate preferences. i plan to send in a change request as soon as possible. i doubt anything will change and if it doesn't by august, i just won't worry about it. too much of a hassle. and the location is much more convenient than my other choices. just trying to see the bright side of things.

later gators,


gavin richardson said...

i'm sure i could help pull some strings to get you some excellent housing at the fine academic institution known as the University of Alabama!

emily said...

before i even finished reading the first line i knew you were going to throw that in there!