so tonight we had a wonderful well-spent time at the bounce factory! it all started with everyone trying out everything and sayin hey to the people from the other (hfumc) church and then people started getting hurt. not really but we did get floor burn from the slides. it was pretty fun until the end. i decided i wanted to race jonathon on the obstacle course.

who knows what will happen next. jonathon and i have made up (notice, left out the kissed part). we respected the terms and you got your youth leader back. maybe next time we'll just have a peaceful evening.
btw: who tore up the peace agreement?
that would have to be thomas reynolds. he saw me waliking toward your van and took off after me. the next thing i knew, the paper was gone
Well its over for now at least, but this whole thing has been fun. You will respect HFUMC!!!
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