yes! school is now officially out and i am officially a sophomore! i got my report card and i got straight A's. to reward myself, i went shopping at kohl's. before we went to kohls we went downtown to eat lunch with mi madre. it was hard to find because that was the first time my sister and i went there by our selves. last night was graduation for mt. juliet. i didnt go but i know some people who graduated and it makes me sad. i'll probably not see any of the graduates much anymore. best wishes to them. volleyball starts back tomorrow and we have to start at 8 in the morning. after tomorrow it will be starting at 7 in the morning. i think that is crazy. i will soom get over it though.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
teen repellent
chances are that if you are over 30 years old, you will not hear this...
teen repellent
i heard it. can you? here's the story, there was a man who had some teenagers hanging aroung his store at night and he was trying to figure out a way he could create something to make them leave. well the man created a sound with such a high pitch that only the majority of people under 30 could hear. only a few people over 30 were able to hear it. thought that was pretty cool
teen repellent
i heard it. can you? here's the story, there was a man who had some teenagers hanging aroung his store at night and he was trying to figure out a way he could create something to make them leave. well the man created a sound with such a high pitch that only the majority of people under 30 could hear. only a few people over 30 were able to hear it. thought that was pretty cool
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
oh man!
yeah hoo! school is almost over! only 3 more days. yesterday my parents let me drive. i have never driven before so yesterday was my first time. i get my permit in like 2 weeks and so i guess now is an okay time to start practicing. well yesterday i drove around the neighborhood and i was doing really well the whole time but when we got home i pulled the car into the garage. well, halfway. when i had just started pulling the car in, i hit the side of the garage and knockd off the side-view mirror on my mom's car! i also broke off the little flappy thingy that seals the garage from the garage door. it was not good. my mom wasn't as agrivated i she could have been because she has knocked off both of her side-view mirrors before. it was kinda scary because i thoght i was going to get into a lot of trouble but i didnt and it's all good now. btw my birfday is in 16 days!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
time to get cought up

so i know i havn't blogged in a while but school has been so busy. today i took an end of course and last week i was doing gateway. lots of studying. this past saturday i got to go to the renaissance festival. it was so fun and a total surprise. i had told my mom that i wanted to go and she said she really didnt want to take me. so friday i asked her what we were doing saturday and she said she thought she would take me to the festival. so we went all day and it was great.

mother's day was a success for me. we went to church then to eat at hermitage steak house. after that, i took my mom hiking at long hunter state park. she really enjoyed that. my mom likes wildlife and we saw a bunch. we saw wild turkey, baby geese, deer, and of course squirrel.

there have been so many season finales on lately. i have to say that the best one was grey's anatomy. i have only seen one episode the whole season but i really got into it last night. it was three hours long and i thought it could have been a movie since it was longer than most movies. right now boston leagal season finale is on and that is such a funny show.
so yeah that pretty much wraps up my week... and last week.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Not again!

so tonight we had a wonderful well-spent time at the bounce factory! it all started with everyone trying out everything and sayin hey to the people from the other (hfumc) church and then people started getting hurt. not really but we did get floor burn from the slides. it was pretty fun until the end. i decided i wanted to race jonathon on the obstacle course.

Friday, May 05, 2006
happy Cinco De Mayo!!
Happy Cinco De Mayo, everyone!
last night i wanted mexican food and my dad was like well let's have it tomorrow. i said, but tomorrow is cinco de mayo. everyone is going to be eating at cinco de mayo on cinco de mayo. they will be packed at both locations.
i was right. i heard so many people today say that they were going to cinco de mayo tonight. its crazy. i like mexican food. so we had mexican last night and i still havent even eaten dinner tonight yet. i did have chips and salsa though.
my sister got back her pictures from the central prom today. they were really good exept for the ones with her boyfriend in it. he didnt smile good and his face was red in every picture. i like my allergy medicine. i really like it when i dont have any-- not really because then i have really bad allergies. like right now.
last night i wanted mexican food and my dad was like well let's have it tomorrow. i said, but tomorrow is cinco de mayo. everyone is going to be eating at cinco de mayo on cinco de mayo. they will be packed at both locations.
i was right. i heard so many people today say that they were going to cinco de mayo tonight. its crazy. i like mexican food. so we had mexican last night and i still havent even eaten dinner tonight yet. i did have chips and salsa though.
my sister got back her pictures from the central prom today. they were really good exept for the ones with her boyfriend in it. he didnt smile good and his face was red in every picture. i like my allergy medicine. i really like it when i dont have any-- not really because then i have really bad allergies. like right now.
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