tomorrow is Christmas! look at the base of that word: "Christ." don't anyone forget that!! when you pray tomorrow, pray to baby Jesus like ricky bobby. no just kidding! but baby Jesus is the reason for the season.
we had my mom's side of the family over today and as some of them were leaving, my 5-year-old cousin spotted a star in the sky and knew it was santa. he came in and got everyone and showed us. it was adorable. everyone got really exited.
i'm having a hard time staying awake. we are going to the 11pm service at church and that is way pass my bedtime. drank some coffee earlier but i don't think it's kicked in yet. :( my parents had a good idea-sleep until it's time to go. it's a little late for that now.
hope everyone has a great rest of the night and very merry Christmas tomorrow!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
i'm a volunteer!
so i got accepted to UT. i guess that's pretty cool. it's the only place i applied so i'm glad i got in. just thought i'd share.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
i do like snow, so don't get me wrong.... but it is so inconvenient! we were supposed to have a choir concert tonight but of course it got postponed. but i had already paid for my dinner so there's money gone that i didn't have to spend. and i had to drive home during the worst part of it! scariest thing ever (not really, it wasn't too bad). tomorrow i was supposed to have a breakfast party in my first block and now that isn't going to happen. and seniors were going to get to leave early tomorrow because we donated a buttload of cans. but now that wont happen either. i was supposed to be hosting a bonfire on saturday night... but guess what? the ground will be too wet. and i had an offer to babysit saturday night that i had to turn down because of the bonfire. now that i find out that it's cancelled, she has already probably found someone else. of course all of these things will be rescheduled but i had already prepared myself for the excitement! guess i can suck it up though. and i won't even get to sleep in because our cleaning lady comes at 7 in the morning! boo snow (on this particular day)!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
done with duel enrollment
i just finished my final paper for my duel-enrollment english class! this was the last thing we had to do and we'd be done with the class. it's amazing what i can do when i sit down and focus. the awesome thing is that we still have a week and a half of school left. so party in first block! and we get to leave early on friday because the seniors dominated in the canned food drive. what a great week. :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
black friday
yep, i went black friday shopping. i went to the mall at green hills and it was so not crowded. i got a shirt, a sweater, and a 3-in-1 sandwich maker all for $60. i think that's pretty exciting. several of my friends went to opry mills at midnight on thursday and said it was sooooo crowded. two of them went to old navy and waited in line for 45 minutes! but they got free 1gb mp3 players. i think that's pretty cool. i've got some homework i need to be doing...
i'm pretty proud of my team
Sunday, November 16, 2008

i have heard so much about this book lately! it seems like everyone at my school is reading it. almost every single one of my friends have read it and they keep trying to talk me in to reading it. when i ask them what it's about they say vampires and my first reaction is, um... no thanks! but then they tell me it isn't just vampires but it's like more of a love story. i still don't think i would like it very much. now they're making a movie? i just think that since i have already made up my mind that i won't like it, if i tried to read it i just wouldn't enjoy it. i like to think that my reading level is higher than that of a book about a vampire love story. i'm not bashing the series, i haven't even read any of the books. i just don't think i'll like them and i think people should stop reading them just because it's the "trendy" thing to do. people who don't normally read for pleasure are reading them because everyone else is. that's just it: it's a trend.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
my internet has been down!
i really don't like using my mom's computer but that is the only way i could check my facebook! haha, but seriously. our internet has been messed up for like the past week and i couldn't do anything! i mean, i could if i really wanted to.... but that computer is sooooo slow!! i haven't done anything that exciting though so that's a plus. oh yeah, both of the people my friend (who shall remain anonymous [cara]) and i rolled found out we rolled them (please send us pictures by the way) haha. we got my previous youth pastor and my current youth pastor in the same night. it was fun and a very last minute thing. i took the ACT hopefully for the last time yesterday and i'm pretty sure that is the most exciting thing that's happened all week.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
relient k, anyone?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
i was editing my side links and such and as i was studying my links to other people's blogs, i began to wonder what on earth my logic was in ordering them. i think i started out in alphabetical order by first name, then i started adding people's last names to the link. the alphabeticalness (yes i made that word up), was then lost. then instead of rearranging them by last name, i just left them by first name. except there are still some that are out of place.....
i guess that's what happened?
i guess that's what happened?
Friday, October 10, 2008
it's been a while
sorry i haven't blogged in so long! no excuse except that i was lazy. i have done a lot since the last post.
school started back and we are at our new building now. it's okay i guess but i liked the old school better. the new one is so open and there are so many new rules. instead of being able to wander around in the mornings, we are all in an area called "the commons" until 15 minutes before school starts. if we have a morning meeting we have to meet in the cafeteria, which is nicknamed the "food court." it is nothing like a food court by the way. having like 3 or 4 different clubs trying to meet in one room while there are also other students eating breakfast in there does not work very well.
i started working on my college application. i'm only applying to UTknox because i know that is where i want to go. i have considered other schools along side UT and looked around but UT really has everything i want. all that is left for me to do is my personal statement and i can send it in. i know that once i get my application in i will feel less stressed about it.
my mom and i went to visit my sister in early september. it was a really last-minute thing. she was supposed to graduate from basic training and would have an on-base pass so my mom had scheduled off time from work and booked a hotel and everything. then my sister hurt her foot. there's something going on with her tendon and it was really bothering her. i don't really know the whole issue. so she called and told us she wouldn't be graduating and probably wouldn't get to see us so my mom cancelled our hotel reservations and we made other plans. well the tuesday before the thursday she was supposed to graduate, sarah called and told us we would be able to see her and that she would have an all-day on-base pass. so that wednesday afternoon, my mom and i drove up to ft. leonard wood, missouri. we called the hotel and they still had rooms available. we got to see her all day thursday and some on friday. my dad couldn't go though and he was really sad about it. she'll get to come home for Christmas though! keep praying for sarah while she's doing what she's doing. she really needs it.
school work has been keeping me busy. i have a.p. calculus this year and my teacher had a baby the week before school started. so for the first seven weeks of an a.p. class we had a sub. we watched a lot of videos and talked mainly about limits. it was sad that most of the time we were correcting the teacher. one time she even gave us a multiple-choice worksheet that had a star by all the answers. it was a pretty easy worksheet.... haha.
we are on our two-week fall break now and i haven't done much. i've pretty much just been lounging around my house and hanging out with my friends. there was talk of my family going somewhere but we couldn't get our schedules worked out. i've still been having plenty of fun though....
school started back and we are at our new building now. it's okay i guess but i liked the old school better. the new one is so open and there are so many new rules. instead of being able to wander around in the mornings, we are all in an area called "the commons" until 15 minutes before school starts. if we have a morning meeting we have to meet in the cafeteria, which is nicknamed the "food court." it is nothing like a food court by the way. having like 3 or 4 different clubs trying to meet in one room while there are also other students eating breakfast in there does not work very well.
i started working on my college application. i'm only applying to UTknox because i know that is where i want to go. i have considered other schools along side UT and looked around but UT really has everything i want. all that is left for me to do is my personal statement and i can send it in. i know that once i get my application in i will feel less stressed about it.
my mom and i went to visit my sister in early september. it was a really last-minute thing. she was supposed to graduate from basic training and would have an on-base pass so my mom had scheduled off time from work and booked a hotel and everything. then my sister hurt her foot. there's something going on with her tendon and it was really bothering her. i don't really know the whole issue. so she called and told us she wouldn't be graduating and probably wouldn't get to see us so my mom cancelled our hotel reservations and we made other plans. well the tuesday before the thursday she was supposed to graduate, sarah called and told us we would be able to see her and that she would have an all-day on-base pass. so that wednesday afternoon, my mom and i drove up to ft. leonard wood, missouri. we called the hotel and they still had rooms available. we got to see her all day thursday and some on friday. my dad couldn't go though and he was really sad about it. she'll get to come home for Christmas though! keep praying for sarah while she's doing what she's doing. she really needs it.
school work has been keeping me busy. i have a.p. calculus this year and my teacher had a baby the week before school started. so for the first seven weeks of an a.p. class we had a sub. we watched a lot of videos and talked mainly about limits. it was sad that most of the time we were correcting the teacher. one time she even gave us a multiple-choice worksheet that had a star by all the answers. it was a pretty easy worksheet.... haha.
we are on our two-week fall break now and i haven't done much. i've pretty much just been lounging around my house and hanging out with my friends. there was talk of my family going somewhere but we couldn't get our schedules worked out. i've still been having plenty of fun though....
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
best friend time
one of my best friends has spent practically her entire summer at vanderbilt doing an academic summer program they offer called pave, so i haven't really seen much of her this summer. she finished up with the program on friday so she and i spent the whole day together yesterday. we made a variety of fancy looking desserts including chocolate mousse and individual strawberry cheesecake. and another favorite i like to call homemade ice cream--all of which were very yummy. we didn't really have a reason to make any food at all really and we weren't even hungry. we just like making food. :)
especially when it's pretty and yummy!

especially when it's pretty and yummy!
summer sizzler!
a couple of days ago i got back from summer sizzler and it was so fun! there were so many people this year! it was a little tough to do some things and personally i think there were some organization problems. but how could there not be? this year all the behind the scenes stuff that beth morris usually did got put on the design team's shoulders. but everything still ran smoothly and the fun continued. at summer sizzler y.s.f. usually has two competitions: the girls vs boys challenge and the design team challenge. this year the design team challenge was between each individual member of the design team. it's been done in years past and it was eggs on heads. every dollar that got put in a specific member's bag equaled one egg they (including me) had to smash on their head. i had the most with 13 eggs. i didn't feel as messy though as the new ccym who competed in the girls vs boys challenge. the deal with that is if the girls raise more money per capita than the guys, then the guys become human pancakes and vise versa. what all goes in to a human pancake you ask? all of your essentials, flour, eggs, butter, syrup, chocolate syrup, and powdered sugar. this year neither the boys or the girls won, it was a tie! but girls will be girls. the girls of the ccym didn't want to become human pancakes so the boys got to pick three other girls that were there to represent the 3 ccym girls (i didn't think that was very fair). overall though i'm happy about how the event went this year. up next: hands and feet, a two day local mission retreat. can't wait!
Monday, July 28, 2008
we have volleyball tryouts going on right now and they are three days long. well today i made first cut. we still have tomorrow and then they'll have second cut. the thing about today's cut is that only 5 people were cut. so that means everyone will really have to step it up tomorrow. we have about 30 people coming to tryouts tomorrow and will have anywhere from 16- 20 players. i'm staying pretty optimistic though. if i don't make tomorrow's cut then i have like a "fun list" of things i can do that i wouldn't be able to do if i played. either outcome, i'll be sure to be happy. :)
oh, and we got a new cat. he likes to attack our dogs though so we're still trying to decide if we're going to keep him.
oh, and we got a new cat. he likes to attack our dogs though so we're still trying to decide if we're going to keep him.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
woo caving!
today i spent about four hours inside one of the south's best spelunking areas - raccoon mountain caverns. it wasn't easy i'll say that. but it was really fun and a time i wont forget. we shimmied and we slid, we crawled and we climbed. our guides were like super fast and it was a little challenging keeping up with them. i have been caving before and this was definitely harder. it was a little assuring though that one of our guides was a pretty buff guy and i figured if he could get through these small places then i wouldn't have a problem. certainly a fun trip and i know i'll be sore tomorrow. not sure if it's really something i'd do again. well at least not one that's four hours long!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
mission trip
right now i'm in mississippi on our senior high mission trip. we are doing hurricane relief, well i thought that's what we were doing. i havent really seen very much hurricane damage. even the house we are working on is just painting the exterior and replacing some old wood. i think in some way it was damaged by katrina whether it was on the inside or just a little somewhere else. it's still cool though. the lady whose house our group is working on is extremely grateful of what we're doing. we just have to finish about an hours worth of work there and we'll be done. we head home on sunday so until then we'll probably just do some fun stuff down here.

hermitage united methodist church, after nine months, finally has a new youth pastor. think about that, 9 months! i'm so angry that it took that long. anyway. his name is matt sands. he's been going to our church for, well i dont really know how long. he's been teaching our 9th and 10th grade sunday school since january. and our senior high mission trip is when he starts. which means he started 4 days ago. its really exciting that we finally have one but i still cant get over the fact that it took nine months!!!! way too long. and it isnt like we were doing things that postponed the search or anything. we had everything in place in time to have one back in march. oh well. i'm just glad we finally have someone.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
my sister's a blogger
well not technically. but my mom and i set up a blog for her to keep family and friends updated on her situation. she's at basic training right now and will be for the next 18 weeks. she can't really post anything right now so for the time being my mom posts updates including conversions we have with her through letters and phone calls. you can check it out if you want at
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
home from a great trip
today i got home from a mission trip in eleuthera, bahamas. we were down there with the bahamas methodist habitat. we were originally supposed to be home last night but of course our flight got all messed up. when we were on the island the plane that was taking us from there to ft. lauderdale was two hours behind. so we had to get our two other flights rescheduled. we had to spend the night in florida and catch our other two planes this morning and in order to do that we had to be up at 4:15am this morning. i'm surprised i'm still even awake.
so here are the highlights of each day we were down there
sunday: fly down to the island and unpack.
monday: first work day--jackhammer a tree stump out of the cement ground in a community center, get to know some of the local kids, go to the beach
tuesday: start putting up dura-rock (i have no idea how you're supposed to spell that. it's a more weather durable version of drywall), jackhammer a funny shaped outline on the floor for pluming, go to the beach, go to the local church for a bible study (it wasn't that exciting)
wednesday: lady with annoying voice from colorado, the other group that was down there with us, talking in amazement about the thunderstorm that was currently going on during quiet hours (she made me very frustrated), finish putting up some dura-rock in the community center and put in a ceiling, go to the beach, go back to the same church for youth group that night.
thursday: work half a day in the cottage the camp is building, go to governor's harbour and shop a little, buy some goombay punch, go to the beach.
friday: work a bit more at the cottage, go to the beach, visit the glass bridge, have a two hour flight delay, finally get to florida, sleep over in a hotel
saturday: wake up at 4:15am to catch our plane home.
and now here i am. actually today was a little bit more eventful. my family got a new washer and dryer today. a new pair was much needed. the one we have now is the same one my parents got when the got married. it's been a while. oh and wednesday was also a little bit more eventful. my sister shipped out to basic training camp in missouri for the army. she will be there for 19 weeks and it's going to be weird with her not around the house.
goodnight my friends,
so here are the highlights of each day we were down there
sunday: fly down to the island and unpack.
monday: first work day--jackhammer a tree stump out of the cement ground in a community center, get to know some of the local kids, go to the beach
tuesday: start putting up dura-rock (i have no idea how you're supposed to spell that. it's a more weather durable version of drywall), jackhammer a funny shaped outline on the floor for pluming, go to the beach, go to the local church for a bible study (it wasn't that exciting)
wednesday: lady with annoying voice from colorado, the other group that was down there with us, talking in amazement about the thunderstorm that was currently going on during quiet hours (she made me very frustrated), finish putting up some dura-rock in the community center and put in a ceiling, go to the beach, go back to the same church for youth group that night.
thursday: work half a day in the cottage the camp is building, go to governor's harbour and shop a little, buy some goombay punch, go to the beach.
friday: work a bit more at the cottage, go to the beach, visit the glass bridge, have a two hour flight delay, finally get to florida, sleep over in a hotel
saturday: wake up at 4:15am to catch our plane home.
and now here i am. actually today was a little bit more eventful. my family got a new washer and dryer today. a new pair was much needed. the one we have now is the same one my parents got when the got married. it's been a while. oh and wednesday was also a little bit more eventful. my sister shipped out to basic training camp in missouri for the army. she will be there for 19 weeks and it's going to be weird with her not around the house.
goodnight my friends,
Friday, June 13, 2008
el 13th de friday
happy friday the thirteenth! my friends and i have a tradition for every friday the 13th--watch scary movies. i'm sure we're not the only one's with this tradition though. we usually do it during the night and sleepover at someone's house but this time we have to do it during the day. we all have the act's tomorrow. they're going to be a little hard this time i believe because we haven't been in school for a couple of weeks. ah well, we can only do our best.
happy friday the 13th!
happy friday the 13th!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
today is my birthday! yay! i am currently at fresh, the tn youth annual conf. i ran for office but no win. oh well. the thing i can't say is that "oh there's always next year" because this is my last year. :( wow what a downer. but i'm fine with it. this is the second time i've been on a church trip on my birthday. last time i was at camp lookout and i was turning 14. today i'm seventeen! yeahhhh!
alrighty then.
alrighty then.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
happy b-day...
to my sister! she's 19 today. and she is now in the military. yeah yeah i know i kind of already said that a while back but now it's for sure. she leaves for basic training in 2 weeks and will be there for 19 weeks! she'll be at a base in missouri, i forget the name. everyone is so happy for her. it'll be weird without her around for a while.
Monday, June 02, 2008
today is the first real day of summer vacation. we went and got report cards on saturday and yesterday was sunday and we never go to school on sundays. but today is a monday-a usual school day. but not this monday! yay for summer vacation!
[and my birthday is in 6 days. :)]
[and my birthday is in 6 days. :)]
Saturday, May 31, 2008
my cat died today. :*( my mom is really upset. he was her favorite. he sat in her lap every day. we didn't really have him that long, probably 5 years or so. i haven't seen her this upset in a while. i feel sad too but i didn't like him as much as she did. i can't go downstairs to comfort my mom because they (my parents) always have this thing they do when someone or a pet dies. they tell stories about them, my dad tries to be cheerful, my mom sits there and wipes her tears, then they pray. always. it's so sad. my mom took him to the vet yesterday and they did surgery on him today. then tonight the vet went in to check on him and found that he was dead. i think that's why my mom is extra sad, because she never got to hold him knowing that it would be the last time. :(

no more school! [until next year]
i am a senior now! woot! this is the year everyone looks forward to from kindergarten until 11th grade. and yay for straight a's!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
i'm such a slacker
i remember back at the beginning of the year when i was leaving for school 30-35 minutes before 8:05-when the bell rings (my school is 15 min. away without traffic) -and doing all my homework before the day it was actually due and going to all my club meetings at school actually trying to get good grades. now i'm leaving like 20 minutes before 8:05, barely getting in there on time and missing a bunch of meetings and procrastinating most, okay all, of my homework. most of the time i finish in the class it's due in. i hate doing this. and being late at our school is a big deal like if you are walking in as the bell rings there are a bunch of our principals are in the halls and they write us up and if we are late more than 3 times we get i.s.s. ha, i was such a goody-good. now i'm a normal high schooler... what is normal? haha, just kidding! i'm really excited about being at a new school next year but at the same time sad. the school we're at now is soooo old! seriously. it has been through so much, tornadoes, fires, flooding. and it's still standing. our new school's gonna be freakin awesome though. i haven't actually been inside it but i've driven by and it's huge! next year school is going to start at 7:50! that's 15 minutes sooner than it currently does for those of you who can't figure out that i already told you what the current time we start at is. ha, just kidding. it's further from where i live than the one we're in now. it's going to be so hectic. the road it's on is like an inch wide so traffic is going to suck. i mean, it already does.
i do enjoy sweet tea.
i do enjoy sweet tea.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
switchfoot in nashville!
yeah yeah! they make a return to nashville. they will be at the wildhorse saloon on april 21st with third day and robert randolph. sounds pretty awesome right? yeah. i probably won't go. :( i'm too lazy. haha.
i took an act practice test and scored a fairly reasonable score. exciting.
i have been kind of wrapped up in thinking about and hearing other people talk about the issues with "phasing out" the tn conf. programming positions. i kept hoping it was like an april fools joke or something. although that's a bit outrageous. that would be a good joke though. speaking of april fool's jokes, these two guys i know (they used to help with my youth group before my church kicked them out) are movie producers and they started posting bulletins and blogs on myspace about how their company was getting sued for using "die hard" in a movie title and they didn't have permission to. well long story short, they didn't really get sued or even get threatened to get sued. it was an april fool's joke! it was really funny though. but some people got really mad and had contacted like their lawyer friends to help bail these two guys out. i still thought it was really funny.
i guess i should do something more useful with my time... like sleep.
i took an act practice test and scored a fairly reasonable score. exciting.
i have been kind of wrapped up in thinking about and hearing other people talk about the issues with "phasing out" the tn conf. programming positions. i kept hoping it was like an april fools joke or something. although that's a bit outrageous. that would be a good joke though. speaking of april fool's jokes, these two guys i know (they used to help with my youth group before my church kicked them out) are movie producers and they started posting bulletins and blogs on myspace about how their company was getting sued for using "die hard" in a movie title and they didn't have permission to. well long story short, they didn't really get sued or even get threatened to get sued. it was an april fool's joke! it was really funny though. but some people got really mad and had contacted like their lawyer friends to help bail these two guys out. i still thought it was really funny.
i guess i should do something more useful with my time... like sleep.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
i must be lame
it seems like whenever i try to make new friends, they don't want to be friends with me. :( like, i'll try to talk to them and stuff after i've met them and they don't want to respond. or if i see them again, they just ignore me. it's so sad. i feel pathetic. nobody knows how to be nice anymore. or if it seems like i became friends with them, the next time i see them they seem careless. then i'm all like, i thought we were friends! and it's not like it's just them. i'll see them talking to and hanging out with some of my friends that they just met. am i not "cool" enough for you? they're the one's that are lame. i'd say i'm a pretty good friend.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
game over
i have to go back to school tomorrow. :( oh and i got the schedule for next year... listen to this, we go back august first to get our schedules and get a feel of our classes-2 hours. pretty normal. then we go back ten days later on the 11th for the first official day of school. crazy. i think we start so late this year because we are going to be at the new school. i'm pretty excited but it's a lot of memories that i'm leaving behind at the old building. i have to leave my mark. i've already written in two or three of the lockers. i'll be sad if they get new ones. they are turning the old high school into a middle school. i want all the middle-schoolers to look in the locker and be like, hey, that emily girl is pretty cool for writing in a locker with a lime green marker. haha. back to the schedule. we get out officially june 6th-report card day. we're out the fifth and have finals the two days before. i'm not sure when graduation will be next year because of the wacky schedules but i'm pretty sure it's kind of an important thing to figure out considering i'll be graduating next year! i can't believe it's so close. well i guess i better get going on getting things ready for tomorrow.
oh and happy easter!!!!
oh and happy easter!!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
good friday
today and yesterday were two of the most important days for christians. i had intended to go to our church's maundy thursday service... but i forgot. i don't know how i forgot because i had been thinking about it all day and i just forgot. :( i was really sad when i remembered. then today i didn't go to a service. our church didn't have a good friday service this year. i don't know why. it seems like today is kind of a big deal. i mean, this is the day that we remember as the day Jesus died for all of our sins. it upsets me that our church didn't have a service. it's not like we completely didn't do anything though. our church sanctuary was open all day for people to come and pray. although i don't understand why our sanctuary has locked doors in the first place.
something to think about: it always rains on easter.
something to think about: it always rains on easter.
almost gone
spring break 08 is almost over. and i did mostly nothing. i didn't go anywhere that exciting and i pretty much just stayed at home. i mean it's not like i was a complete couch potato the whole two weeks but i definitely didn't do anything a few of the days. it makes me sad that i didn't even think about going anywhere but it seems like when i thought of going somewhere i just imagined it being super crowded because it was everyone's spring break.
spring break=college tours
everyone knows spring break junior year means time to start looking at colleges. last week i visited the university of tennessee-knoxville and vanderbilt. i like different things about both schools. ut has so many advantages of being a student. like the really nice gym free to any student. i also like the laid back feeling and that freshmen can have cars on campus. vanderbilt was so much different from ut. they had nicer dorms first of all. freshmen aren't allowed to have cars there though. and the overall vibe was... more spick-and-span than that of ut. i really like that it's in nashville though. i like nashville better than knoxville and it's close to home. and there's more national diversity at vandy so lot's of different kinds of people to meet. both campuses were pretty. i think i'll keep looking and i hope i can find somewhere that is in between those two.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
we already all know about this
i don't even know what to say about the whole programming positions thing. i've tried to hold off posting anything until i felt i had enough facts about the situation. i have thought about it a lot and i've thought about what i want to say to the bishop about it but nothing has actually come out in writing yet. sometimes i have (don't make fun of me) conversations with people in my head and i have had some imaginary conversations with the bishop about how much beth morris has positively influenced my relationship with God through what she does. it doesn't feel real. when my mom told me, i just froze. i didn't have anything to say. it seems so far fetched that i almost couldn't wrap my mind around it. i know for sure it is all i have thought about since monday. i'm really happy that someone set up a petition to reinstate the posistions so quickly. i keep thinking if the people who made the decision to eliminate the positions knew what they were getting themselves in to. like if they had any idea how much the youth of the conference were going to find out and how much we were going to do about it. i wonder if they even knew if the youth were going to find out this quickly. we have multiple emails floating around, facebook messages, facebook groups, myspace bulletins, text messages, and probably several other ways of getting word about it and the petition out. then there's also the many many letters, emails, and phone calls the bishop has been getting. i know of an entire youth group that did nothing for youth tonight but write letters to him about it. i have heard of youth also emailing him and calling him and not holding back on how they feel about this. with as big as our conference youth group is, i don't think these "vision changes" are going to be permanent.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Saturday, March 08, 2008
college time
our [two week!] spring break started today so it's a perfect time to start visiting colleges. this week i'm going to tour university of tennessee-knox and vanderbilt. it was hard to find an open time for ut. they only had one day and one time open for the entire month of march. i didn't realize how far in advance you have to schedule these things. vandy was a little easier. the second week of my spring break was full for them but this week held a few more options. so i have two tours two days in a row. :/ it's kind of exciting i guess. i think i'm the first of my friends to actually go and look at colleges. my best friend already knows she isn't going to school in tennessee. she wants to go to this little school in florida. i hope she doesn't because that's so far away. :( she's also looking at another small one but it's just in georgia. my other friends haven't even mentioned college.
oh man i'm so tired. even though it's only ten it's actually like it's 11 o'clock. daylights savings time tonight! don't forget. i bet a lot of people are late to church in the morning. haha
oh man i'm so tired. even though it's only ten it's actually like it's 11 o'clock. daylights savings time tonight! don't forget. i bet a lot of people are late to church in the morning. haha
it snowed last night.... a lot (a lot for tennessee anyway). every thing i had planned got cancelled. a coffeehouse last night, act prep and a b-day party this morning, and an event i was going to do tonight with a club at school - all cancelled. i was suprised the thing for tonight got cancelled. it seems that cocidering the weather in the past, they'd have known the snow would melt by then. and what's sad is that they didn't call to tell me so i drove all the way to the school and back for no reason. :( i'm actually glad it was cancelled because i really didn't want to go. we were serving dinner to another club that sponsers us. it sounded extremely boring. but the other stuff sounded fun. so sad.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
procrastinating yet again
blogging is a great was to procrastinate. i have 3 papers due tomorrow in creative writing. it isn't that i don't want to write them... because i already did. i just have to type them now. that's not really my favorite class. i'm not that great of a writer and that's pretty much what we do in there all the time. the assignment this time was that we had three papers and one had to be poem. the first one had to be serious and have "some suicides are never recorded" incorporated in it somehow. the second one was a humorous one and was 8 good reasons to lie to a guy. the last one was just a free write which we do way too many of. what's hard for me in writing is description and taking something i've put in and expanding off it. doesn't sound that tough but when you're writing for a class you don't care about, you tend to not care about the writing. well i guess it's typing time now.
Monday, March 03, 2008
crazy tennessee weather? most definitely!
wednesday-all counties out for snow
saturday-day at the park
sunday-you'd be crazy if you didn't go outside in the 75 degree weather.
today-windy but in the low 70's
and now it's storming.
wednesday-all counties out for snow
saturday-day at the park
sunday-you'd be crazy if you didn't go outside in the 75 degree weather.
today-windy but in the low 70's
and now it's storming.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
it's time to come back
sorry i haven't blogged in weeks. and i don't really have an excuse. we have had a few days off from school and some days i have just sat at home and done nothing. but school work has definitely kept me really busy. this semester's workload is a lot different than last semester. i have pre-cal now and we have work in there almost every night. then i have two writing classes that keep me busy.
i watched the lunar eclipse last week. it was cool i guess.
yesterday i went to my friend's birthday party at centennial park. she turned 18! that was fun.
my dog is sick. :( not dying sick but it's pretty gross.
i absolutely loved the weather today! i hate wearing jackets so today was amazing. i played a little volleyball, drew in my street with sidewalk chalk, played frisbee, and i was going to fly a kite but i couldn't find it. :/
so yeah... amazing.
movie review: superbad
i did not like it. i thought it would be really funny but now i just think it was just really built up. it might have been one of those movies that you just have to watch with the right people.
i have a list of movies i want to see:
horton hears a who
the love guru
drillbit taylor
the other boleyn girl
juno (still haven't seen)
yeah. it's a lot. but they all look so good! it's hard for me to find a movie i don't like. i usually like most movies if they aren't action. i'm not really an action movie fan. or a sci-fi.
spring pictures are tomorrow. so goodnight
i watched the lunar eclipse last week. it was cool i guess.
yesterday i went to my friend's birthday party at centennial park. she turned 18! that was fun.
my dog is sick. :( not dying sick but it's pretty gross.
i absolutely loved the weather today! i hate wearing jackets so today was amazing. i played a little volleyball, drew in my street with sidewalk chalk, played frisbee, and i was going to fly a kite but i couldn't find it. :/
so yeah... amazing.
movie review: superbad
i did not like it. i thought it would be really funny but now i just think it was just really built up. it might have been one of those movies that you just have to watch with the right people.
i have a list of movies i want to see:
horton hears a who
the love guru
drillbit taylor
the other boleyn girl
juno (still haven't seen)
yeah. it's a lot. but they all look so good! it's hard for me to find a movie i don't like. i usually like most movies if they aren't action. i'm not really an action movie fan. or a sci-fi.
spring pictures are tomorrow. so goodnight
Friday, February 15, 2008
we are...
out of school for yet another day. if we had been out yesterday, that would have been a 6 day weekend! but we weren't. probably for the best. today we were out for "sickness". sure a lot of people were were sick but what really happened was people skipped. i heard a lot of people say to other people to skip thursday so we'd get out for sickness. people were texting about it and by word of mouth. so i guess it worked.
aren't we scheming.
aren't we scheming.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
warmth in winter
i just got back a few hours ago from warmth in winter and let me just say it was ammmmaaaazinnngggg! this was my fifth year going and i think it was my favorite. our speaker, bob stromberg, was great and a really strong speaker. i met some new people and got closer to friends i already knew. i got to stay in the hotel this year which rocked. i really really really liked everything about warmth in winter this year. the entire time i was having fun. this year we had mini and lifesize cut-outs of beth and gavin and the mini gavin came with us to satco and we took pictures--the adventures of mini-gavin. i can't wait til next year. so much more fun to look forward to.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
mmmmm, crazy
its raining, with tornados.... in february! nothing came my way in good ol' mt. juliet. it went north, south and west. but around our lovely city. i cannot believe this crazy weather. why is it like this. it's weird too because warmth in winter's theme this weekend is "eye of the storm".
my aunt lives in bellvue and that's where some of the really bad stuff was. she's out of town so we were worried about her house and her dog. there was a house not too far from her that fell to the ground. :( and there's people out driving.... laaaaaaaaaaame.
oh, and i'm going to have a 5 day weekend! thursday we have parent/teacher conferences so no school. friday i'm not going to school to go set up for warmth. then its warmth in winter time! although i doubt it will feel like winter time. today i wore shorts and a short sleeve shirt... with no jacket! i know, i'm risky. haha. but seriously, it was like 73 degrees! in february!!!! gotta love it.
my aunt lives in bellvue and that's where some of the really bad stuff was. she's out of town so we were worried about her house and her dog. there was a house not too far from her that fell to the ground. :( and there's people out driving.... laaaaaaaaaaame.
oh, and i'm going to have a 5 day weekend! thursday we have parent/teacher conferences so no school. friday i'm not going to school to go set up for warmth. then its warmth in winter time! although i doubt it will feel like winter time. today i wore shorts and a short sleeve shirt... with no jacket! i know, i'm risky. haha. but seriously, it was like 73 degrees! in february!!!! gotta love it.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
i obviously shouldn't be a psychic. and i'm obviously not. i do have to say, though, that the giants did deserve to win this game. the patriots went out there like they didn't care. i wonder if there was some behind the scenes drama going on with them. but the giants were so energetic and played a great game. which is why they won superbowl number 42.
i'm calling it
the patriots are going to win. yeah its already the third quarter and they're ahead but some people still think the giants have a chance. one of my friends is going for the giants and i told her the patriots deserve to win. she says they are all egotistical and don't deserve to win. but they do. they are a good team even if they are big-headed. it doesn't matter what their personalities are like, they are a good team and got this far without a single loss. why lose now? they can win if tom brady steps up his game. the giants are a good team too (obviously) but they aren't the team that's had a perfect season. its funny how almost every american looks at the superbowl as a holiday-type thing. people actually cancel plans just to make sure they can watch the superbowl.
Friday, January 25, 2008
the wonderful world of entertainment
so i'm sitting here watching my favorite show (degrassi). one of the main characters, spinner, has cancer. it is really hitting him hard. i started getting sad and really feeling for him. then i realized how caught up i am in a world that doesn't exist. before i was watching degrassi, i was watching a movie on disney channel about time travel and the characters were really struggling with who they were and how they got there. i was really really into it. the entertainment world does a great job of getting people caught up in things that were just thoughts in people's minds that happened to be made into images. i begin to wonder and want friends like some of the characters i see. then i remember that that will never happen because those characters are just... characters. i seriously can't get over how caught up we get in the imaginary world of television (most of it anyway).
Monday, January 21, 2008
um, prank?
on saturday while we were on ski trip, some of the girls (including me) thought up a prank to do to the guys. there wasn't much we could think of that wouldn't damage the cabins we were staying in but we finally thought up to freeze their boxers. we went back from dinner early and went in their room searching for their boxers. it didn't take us long because there were only 13 guys that went. we just had to make sure we got the right people. we folded them up and put them in the freezer. they froze together in like a box shape. it was really funny. the next night we were going to give them back all nice and frozen together but when we opened the freezer they were gone. we thought that maybe they found them and took them but they never said anything. finally about 2 hours later travis, one of our adults, came out and we were all freaking out and he was like, "oh i know what your talking about." we were excited that the boxers weren't really lost but we thought travis told them so we were kinda bummed. buuuut, he told us he thought they were left from a previous group so he hadn't said anything to the guys. he and ms. linda decided to keep them and they would hang them up during breakfast... all nice, unfroze, and dry. so that's what they did. it was all extremely lame but if the boxers hadn't been found and we had finished our plan, it might have been better. :(
so i'm home now and i'm extremely tired. i had so much fun skiing. it was a little ironic. there was no snow anywhere except on the slopes-i mean no where. we would be standing at the top of a slope and look out and see green grass. it was strange. oh and it was literally 2 degrees during the day. i think the highest it got yesterday was 9. it was so cold and windy.
i'm a little sore and like i already said, tired.
so i'm home now and i'm extremely tired. i had so much fun skiing. it was a little ironic. there was no snow anywhere except on the slopes-i mean no where. we would be standing at the top of a slope and look out and see green grass. it was strange. oh and it was literally 2 degrees during the day. i think the highest it got yesterday was 9. it was so cold and windy.
i'm a little sore and like i already said, tired.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
so i'm sitting in the lodge right now while almost everyone is outside night skiing. i don't think it's something i would want to do. i heard someone saying it was extremely icy and i'm not exactly the best skier in the world. i mean i don't fall but i stay on the easy slopes. and we've already skied all day today so i'm a little tired. we went to a different place this year than we usually do... i can't say it's the best-slopes or housing. we're sleeping at a church camp about 30 minutes away from the slopes so that part isn't much different. it feels like we're in the middle of nowhere.
i guess it's time to stop being anti-social.
i guess it's time to stop being anti-social.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
thursday it was raining insanely hard. our principal, good 'ol mel brown, let anyone who could drive out 20 minutes early. as i was walking all the way to practically the end of the lower parking lot against the sideways rain, i stepped in about 4 puddles. i got in my car and took my shoes off (considering they were soaked!) then i began to drive off. as i drove down the narrow back road of my school, the car in front of me splashed an insanely large amount of water on my windshield along with the water splashed on me by the school bus going the opposite direction. i couldn't see anything! thankfully i got down mt. juliet road just fine but then as i turned on to lebanon road, the rain and lightning began to pick up. it was raining so hard that i could barely see the lines on the road let alone the road itself. thank goodness for the good driver in front of me with their lights on other wise i don't think i would have made it home safely. the rain began to lighten up about 2 or 3 miles further down and i made it home. everybody agreed that if we had been let out on time, the rain would not have been nearly as bad and we would have been just fine. but no, mr. brown can't predict the weather so he let us out before the extreme badness. this is also the day my sister informed me of her enlistment in the army. she was going to meet me at school to tell me but of course, i left early. she had to spend the night at a hotel and get up around 4:30am for an all-day physical. she is extremely excited that she's doing this. i'm proud of her, too. she's been trying to get in for about 8 months but her a.d.d. prevented her from doing it. the recruiter told her she had to be off her medicine for a year before she could get in. so she did. and now she's in the army. please keep her in your prayers.
and i had to get a shot yesterday. boo. :( it hurt.
and i had to get a shot yesterday. boo. :( it hurt.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
new classes!
they are all really boring but really easy. maybe that's why they're boring. i don't know. but the only class that seems half way exciting is going to be my pre-calculus class... that has to say a lot about my other classes. i actually have friends in that class. my other classes just have super random people in them. i have two writing classes (which seems pointless).
i need chapstick...
i need chapstick...
Saturday, January 05, 2008
snowball fight!
but how can you have a snowball fight with no snow you're asking?
well, you get flour and pantyhose/socks, and a bunch of people. you cut up the pantyhose and put flour in each cut up section then tie it up.
we all went outside to the street and had a snowball fight! it really did look like it snowed when we were finished. i looked so pale. it was fun. we went out in the woods to run from the guys and i walked right through a thorn bush. so now i have these mad scratches on my leg. but it was worth it. we had a lot of fun.
oh and i dyed my hair back to its natural color (brown). not too drastic. it was already pretty close before i dyed it.
hope everyone's new year has been good so far!
well, you get flour and pantyhose/socks, and a bunch of people. you cut up the pantyhose and put flour in each cut up section then tie it up.
we all went outside to the street and had a snowball fight! it really did look like it snowed when we were finished. i looked so pale. it was fun. we went out in the woods to run from the guys and i walked right through a thorn bush. so now i have these mad scratches on my leg. but it was worth it. we had a lot of fun.
oh and i dyed my hair back to its natural color (brown). not too drastic. it was already pretty close before i dyed it.
hope everyone's new year has been good so far!
Friday, January 04, 2008
warning: this is a completely pointless post.
okay weird, random, i know.
last night i couldn't sleep. i have no idea why but i just couldn't fall asleep no matter what i tried. then my dad comes upstairs and starts talking to my sister and he's telling her how he can't sleep. and obviously she couldn't either because she was awake. then this morning i got of facebook and someone's status was that they couldn't sleep! it was so weird. nobody could sleep last night!
anyone else have this problem?
last night i couldn't sleep. i have no idea why but i just couldn't fall asleep no matter what i tried. then my dad comes upstairs and starts talking to my sister and he's telling her how he can't sleep. and obviously she couldn't either because she was awake. then this morning i got of facebook and someone's status was that they couldn't sleep! it was so weird. nobody could sleep last night!
anyone else have this problem?
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